
Saturday 5 April 2008,01:30:00
4th aPriL 2008

w0w, the day i had been excited about..
haha..the 1st ROM i ever went..lolx..

aNd yEt tHe cOupLe wAs LATE!!
wE weRe aLL wAitiNg~~~

kEEp rEmiNd uS n0t t0 bE laTe
bUt, eHhHh... l0lx.. thEy Late!!
PLUS, l0st tHeiR wAy l0lx!!! =X

0Mg, 1st time hear peopl say "i do" in real
so0o damn t0uching.. my heart was t0uched!
envy man! =)

tHe cuTe smaLL liTTle cOupLE!!!

~♥~ wheRe is my hAppinEss ~♥~

♥ mE ^^ ♥

naMe : vaLvaL
spEciaL dAy : 06 May 1985
fAv : d0raEm0n
stAy :
tEck wHyE
2009 sEcrEt :
w0 dE mimi

-behind the veil-

jUz a vEry siMpLe gaL
wHo bElieVe iN miRacLes,
yEt dUn beLieVe miRaCleS wiLL hAppEn oN hErseLf..
beLieVes iN eVeRyoNe,
aNyoNE bUt nOt hErseLf.. =X
lOvE tO hAvE mOrE fRenZ~! XD

January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009


When will this river of tears stop fallin'
Where can I run so I won't feel alone
Can't walk away when the pain keeps callin'
I've just gotta take it from here on my own
But it's so hard to let go

~分手就象 失去翅膀~
~想遍着你 的我~
~飞不到原来 的方向~
~每当象现在 我感觉到悲伤~
~我会努力 让你走的方式飞翔~

ღ~谁能给我 一支神奇的锁~ღ
ღ~轻轻一开 就让寂寞飞走~ღ

I just can't understand
the ways of all the men
and their mistakes
You give them
all your heart
And then they
rip it all away

You told me how much
you loved me
And how our love
was meant to be
And I believed in you
I thought that
you would set me free

You should've just
told me the truth
That I wasn't
the girl for you
I didn't have a clue
So my heart
depended on you, whoa~

Although I'll say
I hate you now
Though I'll shout
and curse you out
I'll always have love for you
Because I am a girl

Been told a man
will leave you cold
Get sick of you and bored
I know that it's no lie
I gave my all,
still I just cry

Never again
will I be fooled
To give my all
when nothing's true
I won't be played again
But I will fall in love again

I loved you so
Now you leave me in the cold How could this be
I tot that you'd only love me

Into the night
I will pray that you're alright
You hurt me so
I just can't let you go

You took advantage
of my willingness
To do anything for love
Now I'm the only one in pain
Will u please take it all away

Never tot being born a girl
How i can love you
and be burned
And now I will build a wall
To never get torn again


♥ Wishlist ♥

laVendEr pUrpLe sLim pSp
IPL pErm hAir rEm0vaL =X
yUnNam HL tReatMent =X
tEEth whitEniNg???
lEarN t0 siNg
leArn t0 pLay piAn0
gEt my dRiviNg LicEnsE
g00d j0b
sLim d0wN
g00d tEmpEr
g0ld hEaRt
MORE g00d fRenx
nEw bEd
fiRst diGitaL cAm!
gReAt sKin c0mpLex
0wn's cAr
0wN's chRistiAn caFe
peaCe on eArtH


*beyond just me*


dEarEst wEndY
cLaRa bia0mei
swEEt qiNsi
mApLe di~

-~g0aLs 0f tHe yEaR~-

leArN t0 L0vE MYSELF!♥
LeaRn t0 bE hAppiE
sLim d0wN
bE m0Re c0nfidEnt
caRe m0Re f0r othErs♥
cLeAr aLL dEbtS N saVe up
g0 t0 tAiwAn bY dEc!!

y0u caNNot juDge a tRee,
0r a peRs0n,
by onLy oNe sEas0n,
aNd thAt tHe essEnce
of wHo thEy aRe
aNd tHe pLeasUre,
j0y, aNd loVe
tHat coMe fRom
thAt Life
cAn onLy bE
mEasUred at tHe eNd,
whEn aLL thE
sEas0ns aRe up.
IF y0u giVe uP
whEn it's wiNter,
y0u wiLL miss tHe
pr0miSe oF yoUr spRing,
thE beaUty
oF youR sUmmEr,
fuLfiLmeNt oF
y0ur faLL.
Don't Let tHe pAin
0f oNe sEas0n
dEstr0y tHe j0y
oF aLL tHe reSt.
Don't jUdgE LifE bY onE
diFficuLt seAsoN.

PerSevEre thRouGh
tHe difFicuLt pAtcHes
aNd beTTer tiMes
aRe suRe t0 coMe
soMe tiMe.

Live SimpLy
Love GenEroUsLy.
CaRe DeepLy.
SpEak KiNdLy.
LeavE tHe ReSt

Happiness keeps You Sweet
Trials keep You Strong
Sorrows keep You Human
Failures keep You Humble
Success keeps You Glowing
Only God keeps You Going